They are beginning to recognize our TONES (when we attempt to assume an annoyed tone, a warning, welcoming or accusing tone, though that could just be wishful thinking!)
So the joy of having 2 kitties in the house? Where do I even start? They are completely and absolutely ADORABLE, from their tiny pink noses to their constantly wagging tails. There is nothing like 2 cuddly fur balls on either side of you, purring away happily. Coming home to an empty condo versus these two, stretching slowly, and coming to greet you.
And nothing beats their INSANITY over a piece of string. They go BALLISTIC. Tuna & Jazzy also entertain themselves by attacking their reflections in the mirror, soaking the sun on the window sill and grooming each other.
The word MANIAC acquires a new meaning when it comes to meal times. They will be chilling, taking a nap on my shawl, dress, blanket, Hash's office bag, or wherever they fancy, and we just have to pick up their dishes and that is it! Within the few MINUTES, while we wash their food dishes, open the cat food tin, fill the dish and replace it, the pitch of their mewing has gone up by many OCTAVES. But unlike dogs they do not sit and beg for food, so we can happily sit on the couch with our food and them, and they will not try to put their mouths in it. (though that could be a comment on my cooking!)
Not to mention that writing this has been a bit challenging due to their INEXPLICABLE fascination with the laptop. They need to gently paw the screen, sniff the track pad and walk all over the keys.
Is the house messier? yes! Is life better? YES!
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