Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Art of Maya Rao

"Khol Do"
"Deep Fried Jam"
Every time I watch Maya Rao perform, I am mesmerized. I am yet to see an artist embody a character or a concept so completely, exhibit intellectual and emotional nuances so exquisitely through her physicality. Whether it be her minimalistic work, "Khol Do," (one of her earliest works) or her highly intricate multimedia work, "Heads are Meant for Walking into," or my personal favorite, "Deep Fried Jam," her works are unforgettable. They always leave a strong impression. They are intensely exciting, a breathtaking journey through an emotional and conceptual landscape. Maya Rao is like a furious storm on stage.

Her latest work "Ravanama" will be presented at the NSD Festival in New Delhi on Tuesday, Jan 17 at 8:30pm at Abhimanch. On the festival website the description is as follows:

"The performance revolves around Ravana – a mythological character in the grand scale. He has ten heads that jostle together, vying with each other. He has as many boons as curses from the gods and so, is often not aware of the consequences of his actions – good or bad. Ravana is the scholar, the musician, the lover of beauty, the supreme warrior and the unparalleled disciple of Shiva. He is single-minded whether it is to do with getting Sita for himself or winning impossible boons from the gods.
Several versions exist about his relationship with Sita. . On stage we see a contemporary actor preparing a show – every time she dips into the ‘world’ of Kathakali she comes out with a further revelation of Ravana…. "


I am bitterly disappointed that I won't be in India for this performance. For those of you who are lucky enough to be in New Delhi, I would highly recommend this show. I really know nothing about it, but I know that watching Maya Rao perform is an experience you are not likely to forget!

Photos Courtesy:

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